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Cheng-Ching Liu

  • Assistant Professor


Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan

PhD, University of Cincinnati

MBA in Healthcare Administration, Concordia University

BSN, National Taipei College of Nursing, Taipei, Taiwan

Interest Areas:

Heart Failure / Frailty

Health Promotion


Immunization among international students


(Maiden name: Wang, C.C.) (n=2—Under Review; n=2—Accepted; n=9 at MSU College of Nursing)

1.    Chen, W., Chen, A. C. C., Reifsnider E., Liu, C. C. (2024). Application of the Health Belief Model in Understanding Factors Associated with Chinese International Students’ HPV Vaccine Uptake. Submitted to Youth—Under Review.

2.    Liu, C. C., McIntire, E., Palmer, K., Tran, K.Q., Ng, T. Assess the Effectiveness of Health Equity Simulation Between Traditional and Accelerated BSN Students. Submitted to Journal of Clinical Nursing—Under Review.

3.    Chen, A.C.C., Liu, C. C., Arcoleo, K., Ling, J., Robbins, L., & Afroj, T. (2024). HPV and Vaccination: Voices from Adolescents. Submitted to Nursing Open—Accepted.

4.    Liu, C. C., Chen, A.C.C., Ling, J., Liu, C., Zahry, N., Ammigan, R. (2024). Determining the intention of receiving the influenza vaccine: a cross-sectional survey among international and domestic college students in the U.S. Submitted to BMC Open— Accepted.

5.    Liu, C. C., Huang, Q., Chen, A.C.C., Liu, C., Liu, Y. (2024). Interventions to enhance mental health and wellbeing among international college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. PLoS ONE.

6.    Liu, C. C., Ling, J., Zahry, N., Liu, C., Ammigan, R. Kaur, L. (2024). Using Theory of Planned Behavior to Determine COVID-19 Vaccination Intention and Behavior among International and Domestic College Students. PLoS ONE 19(2): e0293130. (IF: 3.7)

7.    Liu, C. C., McIntire, E., Ling, J., Sullivan, K., Ng, T., Kaur, L., & Sender, J. (2023). Teaching social determinants of health in nursing programs: An integrative review of strategies and effectiveness. Nurse Educator. (IF: 2.6)

8.    Liu, C., Liu, C. C., Ammigan, R., Kaplowitz, M. (2023). "Why Do They Hate Us? Learning from Chinese (Inter)national Students’ Racialized Experiences during COVID." Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Progress. 7(2).

9.    Liu, C., St. Charles, J. S. & Liu, C. C. (2023). Multi-examination of mental health policies and practices affecting undergraduate students’ success in U.S. higher education. AERA 2023 Annual Conference: Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth.

10.   Liu, C. C., Ling, J., Liu, C., Schrader, K., Ammigan, R., & Mclntire, E. (2022). Vaccination rates among international students: Insights from a University Health Vaccination Initiative. Journal of American College Health. (IF: 2.395)

11.   Ling J, Zahry NR, & Liu C. C. (2021). Stress management interventions among socioeconomically disadvantaged parents: A meta-analysis and moderation analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Aug;120:103954.

12.   Hughes-Carter, D., Liu, C. C., & Hoebeke, R. E. (2018). Improved Screening and Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Older Adult With Diabetes. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 14(8), 626-632.

13.   Adams, Y., Kamp, K., Liu, C. C., Stommel, M., Thana, K., Broome, M., et al. (2018). Revisiting the Quality of Reporting Randomized Controlled Trials in Nursing Literature. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 50(2):200-209.


1. 01/01/2024-12/31/2024 – Principal Investigator. Development and pilot testing a video-based intervention to promote HPV vaccination among college students. Funding: Michigan State University Trifecta Initiative Facilitating Funds Award ($10,000).

2. 01/01/2023-12/31/2023 – Principal Investigator. Promoting mental health of international students in the United States: A resilience and coping intervention. Funding: Michigan State University Trifecta Initiative Facilitating Funds Award $5,000.

3. 06/30/2022-06/30/2023 – Principal Investigator. Developing compassionate and empathetic Communication of medical and nursing students. Funding: MSU Kagan Scholar. $2,400.

4. 01/01/2021-12/31/2022 – Principal Investigator. Perception, knowledge, and intention of vaccination among international students. Donation: Sherwood Foundation. $5,000.

5. 02/01/2020-12/31/2020 – Principal Investigator. Perception, knowledge, and intention of vaccination among international students. Donation: Sherwood Foundation. $5,000.

Honors & Awards:

  • 2024 Recipient, 2025 MNRS Conference Assistance Scholarship. The Midwest Nursing Research Society.

  • 2024 Recipient, Billi Diane Gamble Undergraduate Faculty Teaching Excellence/Enrichment Award. College of Nursing, Michigan State University.

  • 2024 Inducted as a Fellow in The AACN Diversity Leadership Institute.

  • 2023 Recipient, Anna Mae (Berg) Spaniol