The College of Nursing hosts over 75 scholarships for all academic programs. These scholarships and their generous donors allow students to achieve their full potential without financial strain. Read more about scholarship recipients and their stories, visit the CON Newsroom.
Want to save a copy of the scholarships offered in 2025-26? Click here.
Undergraduate Scholarships
There are several scholarships available uniquely to undergraduate students. Students in the traditional BSN, accelerated BSN, and RN-BSN courses qualify for these funds. Click here for the full list of undergraduate scholarships.
Advanced Practice Scholarships
Students in the MSN and DNP programs have a unique collection of scholarships available to them in addition to funds available to all graduate students. Click here for a full list of advanced practice scholarships.
PhD Scholarships
PhD students have access to scholarships unique to their academic program. In addition to funds available to all graduate students, PhD students can receive assistance from fellowships and dissertation funding. Click here for a full list of PhD scholarships.
Graduate Scholarships
The college hosts funds that are available to all graduate students. Nurses in the MSN, DNP, and PhD programs of all concentrations have unique access to this collection of scholarships. Click here for a full list of graduate program scholarships.
General Nursing Scholarships
This collection of scholarships are available to all students in the College of Nursing regardless of academic program. Click here for a full list of scholarships available to all students.