College celebrates Fall Wellness Week

Wellness was front and center during the Michigan State University College of Nursing’s first annual Fall Wellness Week.
The event, which coincided with midterms, offered several opportunities for students and employees to decompress during an often-hectic time of the semester.
Some events included:
- A special Spartan Nurses banner that aspiring artists could color in with markers.
- A visit from the MSU Leader Dog Club to bring some furry friends for pets.
- A pumpkin giveaway.
- Cider, apples and doughnuts from MSU Bakers and MSU Food Stores.
- A Wellness Bingo that faculty and students could participate in for a continuing education unit. The event shared ways of incorporating wellness into the workplace or classroom.
- An indoor field day (thanks to the rain), with cornhole and space for those wishing to do yoga or to meditate.
The event was sponsored by the college’s Wellness Committee. Earlier in the semester, the committee brought out food trucks and set up sports equipment in the courtyard.
Wellness continues to remain a priority for the college, including allowing instructors time to practice mindfulness activities in classes, among other activities.