College gets ready for return to 'normal'

While it’s true that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan State University College of Nursing students and employees were on campus, things were still often pretty quiet around the Bott Building for Nursing Education & Research and Life Science.
Come Aug. 16, that’s about to change.
That’s the date employees are expected to be back in the building, full-time. Meanwhile, fall classes start Sept. 1, however, some accelerated BSN students who have been taking classes over the summer are already experiencing the perks of the university lifting mask and social distancing mandates. Both were lifted for fully vaccinated individuals in late June, and now students can once again eat lunch together and socialize around the buildings and not worry about filling out daily health screening forms or donning face shields and/or masks outside of labs (unless required by a clinical partner). A full slate of classes — and students – is expected this fall.
Meanwhile, the college’s Wellness Committee — made up of employees and students — is looking at ways to hold small-scale events to help encourage mental, physical and spiritual health this fall and to assist with easing back into in-person life.
Regarding vaccinations, the college is encouraging — but not requiring — employees and students to get immunized, noting failure to get one’s shot(s) could affect participation in clinical activities which, in turn, could affect grades or employment status, depending on the clinical partner’s requirements.
See you next month!