Henry Ford Health+MSU Health Sciences partnership update

As part of the main Henry Ford + MSU Education Committee, a Nursing Education Sub-Committee has been busy developing the partnership’s educational programs and innovative teaching approaches around nursing.
The sub-committee includes five workgroups: Accelerated Bachelor of Science Nursing (ABSN) Expansion Workgroup; Evidence Base Practice (EBP), Research, and Nursing Innovation Workgroup; Employee Education Offerings Workgroup; Community Engagement Workgroup; and Undergraduate Education (UGE) & Graduate Nursing Education/Training Workgroup.
Through this collaborated goal, the first prominent Henry Ford + MSU nursing initiative occurred in the summer of 2023, when the state of Michigan Board of Nursing approved the expansion of the MSU CON Detroit-based ABSN enrollment from 16 seats to a cohort of 32 seats.
The Henry Ford + MSU Nursing Education Committee has also worked together to implement an innovative clinical practice partnership model to prepare Bachelor of Science in Nursing students with contemporary practice competencies required to provide quality care across the healthcare continuum. Students work closely with expert nurse clinicians throughout their program of study to optimize learning and professional growth in collaboration with expert nurse educators from MSU and Henry Ford.
To further encourage these educational opportunities, the Henry Ford + MSU Nursing Education Committee held in-person and virtual continual education sessions at various Henry Ford Hospitals. The sessions, such as Understanding and Using Emotional Intelligence, provide MSU and Henry Ford nurses the opportunity to build upon their healthcare education and skills.
For the next 30 years and beyond, Henry Ford + MSU is committed to providing more of these educational and innovative synergies in the nursing community.