New nurse-led clinic opens on campus

Patients in mid-Michigan now have another option for health care, with the opening of an on-campus, nurse-led office of the Family Medicine Clinic.
Currently staffed by five NPs who also serve as faculty from the Michigan State University College of Nursing — Drs. Kris Castine, Mary Chenge, Patrick Crane, Katherine Dontje and Denise Hershey — the clinic also plans to offer psychiatric mental health services, diabetes education, patient health care coordination and social work as resources to patients.
“We will truly provide wraparound care services by a multidisciplinary healthcare team,” said Dr. Ann Sheehan, interim director of faculty practice for the college. “These particular services were identified to address some of the most prevalent challenges that threaten people’s overall wellness. As a result, patients will receive the highest level of evidence-based health care services.”
The clinic was made possible through collaboration with MSU Health Care and the university’s Office of Health Sciences.
“Now more than ever, it is important to increase opportunities for those in mid-Michigan to have access to quality health care,” said Dr. Norman Beauchamp, Jr., executive vice president for health sciences at MSU. “This expansion of the Family Medicine clinic location will afford more opportunities for patients and their families to connect with primary care providers and receive the personalized care they need in one place.”
College of Nursing Interim Dean Dr. Leigh Small notes that nurses provide holistic healthcare and nursing has been identified by Americans as the most trusted profession for the last 20 years. In that way, offering multidisciplinary healthcare led by nurses only makes sense as the university continues to provide the best health care for the individuals it serves.
“Together, Spartans will transform health care and I hope this is a promising vision of what is to come, including increased opportunities for our faculty to practice on campus, as well as access to primary care providers for those in mid-Michigan,” Small said.
The clinic is located in A110 Clinical Center and prospective patients can contact the office at (517) 355-2562 or visit MSU Health Care’s website.