By the numbers: A look at the 2022-23 scholarship recipients

The college is proud to announce that 106 students across all programs have been awarded $385,686 in academic scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year through 49 funds and endowments!
These recipients represent 22 Michigan counties, four states and two countries. This success would not be possible without the generous and unwavering support of College of Nursing donors.
Thank you!
"I am thankful for opportunities such as this that invest in myself and my future as a nurse practitioner. This scholarship allows me the opportunity to continue to pursue my dreams and eventually help those less fortunate than me." - Kaley Aown, William G. and Marion E. Stuckle Endowed Scholarship recipient
“Due to my family’s inability to contribute to my educational expenses, I had to maintain two jobs while being a full-time student. However, this scholarship has given me the opportunity to take advantage of the various opportunities that Michigan State University has to offer me.” - Danya Hill, Florence Nothstine Endowed Scholarship for Nursing recipient
“The Ph.D. pathway is a highly important cause that can help me to achieve my career goal to be a nurse educator and university professor. I hereby give my deepest appreciation for your investment in me and my education.” - Hesam Aldin Varpaei, Kathleen Nowicki Schwartz and Michael Schwartz Endowed Fellowship and Carol J. Larson Scholarship recipient