The Pauzus Sisters: Bonded by sisterhood, nursing

Madelyn, a nursing five student, and Alison, a nursing one student, had a tight-knit relationship before they each started at MSU. Aside from collaborating to ensure each other is successful in the nursing program, they share another tie: They’re sisters.
“She’s my inspiration,” said Alison about her older sister Madelyn. “I’ve always looked up to her.”
Madelyn echoed Alison’s praise. “She’s so supportive and so encouraging. And it’s awesome because she’s the most hard-working person I know.”
The sisters aim to see each other at least once a week for studying, extracurricular activities, or religious celebrations. Despite the size of MSU and surrounding East Lansing, Madelyn and Alison still find a way to stumble into each other. “I was sitting in Starbucks today, and Madelyn came in,” said Alison. “She came in ordering a drink, and I said, ‘Sit down. Hang out with me and study for a bit.’ So, we got two hours of time together.”
Madelyn was the first to join the Spartan Nursing community. She started at MSU knowing that she wanted to enter the medical field in some capacity. After starting her classes, she decided that nursing was the best way forward. This decision was solidified during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Madelyn and Alison’s grandfather spent several days in a hospital after contracting COVID-19. The nurses working with her grandfather kept the family as up-to-date as possible about his status. Thanks to the nurses’ efforts, their grandfather made a full recovery. The interaction with the nurses made Madelyn’s decision to enter nursing easy.
Alison grew up knowing that she loved helping people. “I’ve always kind of thought about [becoming a nurse] since I was little. It was always that little girl dream.”
Seeing how successful Madelyn was in the MSU nursing program solidified Alison’s reason for becoming a nurse. She was admitted to the program in the spring of 2023 and began taking classes this fall.
Madelyn and Alison are both active members of MSU’s Beta Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta (ΚΑΘ). Before she joined, Madelyn wasn’t positive that she would have time to participate in Greek Life. “With the hard nursing courses, I thought, ‘They’re both so time consuming, I don’t know if this is for me.’ School is more important.”
Madelyn found out quickly that she made the right decision to join ΚΑΘ. The support and friendship both sisters have found in ΚΑΘ are worth the time commitment. “I’ve made so many genuine friendships and met people that are going to be my future bridesmaids,” said Alison. “It’s just one big family there.”
Madelyn and Alison consider the Spartan Nursing community a big family, as well. Despite the rigorous course material and high standards set for Spartan Nurses, Madelyn and Alison said they felt cared for by everyone involved with their program. They value the support and love they have received from faculty, alumni, classmates, preceptors, and more.
“Coming from such a rigorous, hard program, it’s scary to miss school and not be there for things,” said Madelyn. “They just said to take the time. We’re here for you, you’ll get an extension, you’ll get excused, things like that.”
They also feel connected to the rest of the Spartan community like family after seeing its support and bonding in action.
“It’s just so awesome to feel so loved and supported by the community,” said Madelyn. “You can tell when you’re on campus and, also, once you reach out of campus, it’s still there.”
“It’s never about, ‘I’m better than you,’” said Alison. “It’s always, ‘Let’s do it together. Let’s help each other.’ Everyone is always helping each other, boosting them up, and motivating them.”