School is in session: Students return to campus for fall 2021 semester

After more than 16 months of empty hallways and tables with signs about social distancing, the Michigan State University College of Nursing is lively once again.
Orientation for students in graduate programs began at the beginning of the week, and Wednesday, Sept. 1 marked the first day of the fall 2021 semester.
Nursing students have been in the college's buildings on and off throughout the pandemic, but have more on-campus classes this semester like everyone else.
Alexis Falcon, a graduate student in the family nurse practitioner program, said she has felt more energy on campus and is excited to make connections with fellow nurses.
“With COVID, everyone has been impacted either at the bedside or in practice, so being around all these people who share the same experiences feels like we can connect and understand each other,” Falcon said.
Students took advantage of the sun and breeze on the first day of classes to enjoy lunch on the lawn and tables outside the Bott Building for Nursing Education and Research.
Ryan Phillips, a bachelor’s of science in nursing junior, said he has enjoyed seeing people on campus again and is looking forward to taking more nursing-specific courses.
“I decided to major in nursing because I want to help people and I’m excited to learn how to care for them,” Phillips said.
Ashley Cox, also a bachelor’s of science in nursing junior, worked as a nurse assistant at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital over the summer and said she eager to begin clinical rotations this year.
“You can see that you’re helping people and the hard work is worth it,” Cox said.