A Voice for Over 40,000

As nursing education evolves around the globe, a College of Nursing faculty member is at the forefront. Dr. Kathy Poindexter, Ph.D., RN, CNE, ANEF, who serves as the assistant dean for undergraduate programs and associate professor has been named president-elect of the National League for Nursing (NLN).
Home to over 40,000 individual members and 1,200 institutional members, the groups’ mission is to promote excellence in nursing education, to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce and advance the health of the country and global community.
Integrity, caring, diversity, and excellence. As one of the largest organizations for nursing education in the world, Poindexter accepts a great deal of responsibility in implementing these core values of NLN, into the field of nursing.
“These values align with what I believe in and, in addition to providing quality teaching, our students need to know these values,” said Poindexter, who has been with the college since 2005. “Those aren’t something you can easily grade on a test.”
At a time where nursing education needs a strong voice, Poindexter will help guide strategic direction for the organization, which provides resources for nursing educators at all levels of higher ed. She will also work to strengthen the organization’s ties with international partners and work with other like-minded nursing groups to advocate for those in the profession.