The Achieving Culturally Competent Education and Student Success! (ACCESS) Program helps motivated students prepare academically by providing financial and educational support to help you earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and to help you pass the licensing exam to become a registered nurse. If you are admitted to MSU as a pre-nursing student and qualify* for the ACCESS Program, you will be eligible for the following resources and support:
- Biweekly networking and academic support enrichment sessions
- Tutoring for prerequisite and nursing courses
- Eligibility for stipends
- Enrollment in the nursing program**
- Assessment and preparation for the NCLEX-RN exam
*Students who are admitted to MSU to the pre-nursing major who are determined to be individuals from a disadvantaged background (economically or educationally) are eligible to apply to the ACCESS Program.
**Students are eligible to enroll in the nursing program if they are admitted to the ACCESS Program, participate fully in ACCESS Program activities, complete the requirements for admission to the nursing major as identified in the MSU Academic Program catalog and complete immunizations, pass a criminal background check, pass a drug screen and comply with other standards required of all nursing students by the College and/or clinical partners prior to enrollment in the clinical nursing courses.