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College of Nursing

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Research Day

This annual scholarship event is for students, Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse Educators, Clinical Nurse Leaders, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Scientists, and College/University Nursing Faculty. Come learn about the latest advancements in nursing science on the beautiful Michigan State University campus!

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March 11, 2025


The Michigan State University College of Nursing
Bott Building for Nursing Education & Research
1355 Bogue St., East Lansing, MI 48824


Steven S. Chang, MD
Peter D. and Julie F. Cummings Endowed Chair in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, Henry Ford Health


7-8 a.m.: Breakfast, coffee and registration; Bott Atrium
8-8:10 a.m.: Welcome; C160/C170
8:10-9 a.m.: Pre-conference speaker; C160/C170
9-11 a.m.: Poster Presentation #1; Bott Atrium
11-11:15 a.m.: Break
11:15-12:15 a.m.: Opening keynote; C160/C170
12:15-1 p.m.: Lunch; C160/C170 and Bott Atrium
1-2 p.m.: Poster Presentation #2; Bott Atrium
3-4 p.m..: Moderated poster discussion; C160/C170
4 p.m.: Closing Remarks; C160/C170

Contact Hours

Research Day will provide participants with up to 5.5 continuing nursing education (CNE) contact hours. Learners that successfully participate in learning sessions and complete the post-session evaluation for each session will receive designated continuing education contact hours.

Learning outcome

Upon completion of this continuing professional development activity, participants will state increased knowledge and provide a practice application example of the latest advancements in nursing science.

Michigan State University College of Nursing is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

For any questions related to CNE, please contact MSU Nursing Continuing Education at